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R.U.S.T.X – Center of the Universe release with Pitch Black Records
Thrilled to welcome local HEAVY METAL heroes RUSTX to our artist roster! As we’ve literally watched them grow and mature over the years this makes it quite a special release and we’re...

Read this interview from Haschi’s Metal Corner http://www.haschis-metal-corner.at/interview_rustx30-11-2018.htm?fbclid=IwAR0jgHw1sxrPaHr0wAFFJz26m_ynjP1m2jTKWAycOz2BArvyO46CgV1lqzQ

Center of the Universe Artwork
Holidays are finish and we are back to Business (Music) guys and gals. Recordings almost finished and the artwork is finished from the one and onlyChris Achilleos http://chrisachilleos.co.uk/ “Chris Achilléos...

Frontier Heroes Official VideoClip
Taken from T.T.P.M European Tour 17/18. Life on the road with the band and friends from around Europe.The memories and the fun remain in our hearts. Dedicated to all the...

R.U.S.T.X. Covering Vigilante – Magnum.Check it out.
3-2-18 Live at Rocka Rolla Nicosia – Cyprus. Our Tribute to great Magnum.A fantastic Band. Our last concert in our mother island for the T.T.P.M. tour 2017/18..Thank you everybody for...

Power of the Night XIII
We have just been added for this summer Power of the Night Festival.Yeah!!! “The brothers and sister are back! RUSTX are on their European Tour and they have been making fans all...
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